Wednesday, September 19, 2012

One year.

Today is the 19th of September. Tomorrow will mark one year since we found out our Rowan was sick.

I'm feeling pretty quiet and have found myself thinking more than normal about things. Reflecting more, I guess. I miss my boy kind of. I've got him here and he is wonderful, but I kind of miss the idea of him being a running, playing, talking little boy. I don't think about that much, because I love him like we have the same heart and I don't want to feel anything but joy for him and his life. But I went there a bit tonight.

I was wondering what that tuesday was like. How did it even go? It's hard to remember. The doctor told us- but then what? I cried. And then I think I shook my head a lot and said 'no- this isn't right' or something similar.

Then I remember it being night time and I was alone in Rowan's room. I sat in one chair. Then another. And nurses would come in through the night to see if I was ok. One told me I should sleep. But I was scared to sleep. I didn't want to give in to my devastation. I just wanted to figure it out. I was scared to fall asleep.

Today I'm not scared to sleep. That is a gift. He is a gift.

For one little soul to change so many others is really something. He must be here to change us... To help us.

Thank you, dear Rowan.

1 comment:

  1. I think of that day a lot---and then think about how amazing and strong and brave and patient you and Steve have been. I know I can't even get a tiny glimpse of how hard this year has been, but the parts I've seen have been beautiful. Rowan is the sweetest thing. I love him. He melts this cold dead heart. Good luck this week. We love you guys.
