Monday, May 21, 2012

I get it now.

This past week Steve went to North Carolina for a conference and was with the kids. My mom- and later, my dad- came up to help me.   My mother and her friend, Bonnie, also walked in the Fargo Marathon 10K.

It's always so nice to spend time with my mother. As I get older, I see her in different ways. Over time, she's become more of a human being to me- more of a whole person. She always has been a 'whole person'; don't get me wrong. Now, though, I think I get it.

Initial stages of parenting made me feel two-dimensional. I'm not saying it isn't the best thing that's ever happened to me, because it most surely is. But I think my focus shifted to raising my kids and to taking care of their needs so much that my other cool parts just faded away. I guess I found myself feeling flat, with no bumps or corners, or interesting anything.

Lately, though, I feel much more of a pull to take care of myself as an individual... who also happens to be a parent. It's only one part of me. I feel more alive. I'm wearing more color. This is a big deal...
I do my woodworking, photography, bake, do art projects with Lily and for myself, I walk the dog, have friends, and love my creative side.

Parenting will always be my most important, number-one, most enjoyable and exhausting job. But, like my mother, I'm a whole person, too... and I'll prove that by: showing you pictures of my kids:)

First time roasting marshmallows.

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